Sponsor a Student

All of our students are extraordinary and have overcome a lot in their education journey. While we’d like to tell all of their stories, let’s start with some stories selected especially for you.


High school

Ashley is a determined and ambitious young student who joined Dream Children’s Home, one of our partner homes, in 2023 due to his family’s inability to afford his education. Now that he has recently started junior high school, Dream Children’s Home is unable to continue covering his school fees.

Ashley grew up with his mother, a casual laborer after his father abandoned them when he was young. As an only child, Ashley has shown remarkable resilience and independence. His passion for mechanical engineering shines through in his love for connecting wires and assembling things, believing he has a natural talent for the field.

Currently, Ashley is the commander of the scouts team at Lekuruki Primary, where his leadership and problem-solving skills are evident. He urgently needs sponsorship to continue his education and achieve his dream of becoming a mechanical engineer. Supporting Ashley will help him overcome financial barriers and achieve his aspirations. Sponsor Ashley today and invest in a bright future for him.

About this Sponsorship

Sponsoring a secondary student is $1,020 a year, or $85 per month. Co-sponsoring a secondary student is $600 a year, or $50 per month. This amount covers the students’ tuition fees, and buys school supplies, uniforms, shoes, and other personal effects required to live at boarding school.

The Sponsor Experience

  • Cassie and Elijah

    “When we signed up to sponsor our students, we hoped it would help improve their lives. What we didn’t expect was how it would change ours.

    Our students have become our teachers about life, gratitude, optimism, and finding joy in each moment. Supporting an education is a direct investment into these students and their future. Through a sponsorship with Moja Tu, you have the opportunity to create a meaningful relationship with a student that will change not only their life, but yours as well.”