When Jedidah is asked to describe her background, the first word that comes to her mind is humble. “My parents did not have the money to provide for our daily needs, let alone my education. I was constantly removed from my classes due to missing school fees. I also had no personal effects, books, and transportation to and from school. It was impossible to focus on my studies when I was constantly worried about paying for school.”

Despite all this hardship, Jedidah remained hopeful of achieving her dream of becoming a surgeon, no matter how farfetched this hope seemed. She was then looking forward to joining high school, and the possibility of a Moja Tu scholarship reignited her dreams. Her passion for joining the medical field stems from personal experience.
“My sister has been ailing for quite some time, and there seems to be no end in sight. It pains me to watch her suffer, and I feel so helpless. I always wish there was something I could do to alleviate her suffering. I can’t even start talking about my family’s mental anguish and suffering over the past few years, trying to find a solution for her ailment with no success. However, I believe I will be able to help her someday. I also want to be there for families who are caring for chronically sick patients,” she says somberly.
Her courteousness, passion for education, and good academic performance made Jedidah a great candidate for a Moja Tu sponsorship. She joined the program in 2019 and hit the ground running, working hard to earn good grades and further her dream of going into medicine. And what a beautiful journey it has been for Jedidah, who will be joining her final year of high school when schools reopen in May. “The last three years have been a breeze. Moja Tu has been my home and safe space. Ever since I joined the organization in form one, I have become more positive and confident about the future because I knew my goals were now more achievable,” she explains.
She adds that while her initial goal was just to get an education, Moja Tu has shaped her in ways she hadn’t imagined before.
“As time passed, I got more exposure from the program, and my support circle of friends and mentors grew big. One of my best moments was when I met Kathy and learned there’s so much more to life. So my goals gradually got bigger and better. For example, I look up to Kathy as my role model, and I strive to be a better person all round. I am now more determined to get into the medical field and impact lives,” Jedidah says assertively.
Jedidah says the sponsorship gave her the ability to dream and reimagine the person she wants to become, something that she works towards every day of her life.
“Moja Tu has given me a podium to actualize my dreams. During the initial days, Kathy told me she would be my second mum and support my education. It felt so good knowing someone had my back and believed in me. I plan to make the best out of this chance,” Jedidah says.