Miriam is a form four graduate and a proud beneficiary of the Moja Tu sponsorship program. We interviewed her a few weeks before she reported to university – she is expected to report to Mt. Kenya University for a degree in statistics.
“I have imagined many things about the university, and I am excited to see what it will be like. I can’t wait to walk through the university gates finally,” she explains happily.
The few months she has been at home have seen her engaging in one of her favorite pastimes – reading. She discovered her love for reading when she was ten years old. “I remember we were tasked to read at least one book in two weeks in primary school. This was to help us improve our creative writing skills. Somehow, I found that I had read more than ten books during that period! That is when I knew that I found joy in reading that I would pick one book after another without even realizing it,” she recalls and adds that once she picks a book, it’s tough for her to put it down.
Now that she has a lot of time on her hands as she awaits entering university, she is delving into as many books as possible. Miriam reads any book that she can lay her hands on. That said, she loves to read drama, comedy, and sci-fi. Miriam buys her books, most of which are second-hand and therefore cheaper, from her local shopping center. She also gets books from her friends and family, who know her love for reading.
Miriam admits that she has picked a lot of lessons from the books she reads, and she applies these lessons in her real life. “This one book I read in high school has had the most impact on my life. It is about an African boy who worked so hard to make something of himself and finally did. He went through lots of challenges but overcame them all. The book taught me about our African culture and heritage and showed me that I could be anything I set my mind to,” she explains.
She also likes the fact that the books she reads widen her worldview. “There is a whole world of possibilities out there we cannot imagine beyond the things we know, and reading broadens the reach of our minds and imaginations.”
You will likely find Miriam playing basketball whenever she is not reading. “I hope someday someone will write a story about me and that the story will inspire other people just as I was inspired by the book I read in high school,” she asserts.
Miriam’s role model is her uncle, who is now pursuing a Master’s degree. “He is the only person in my family that pursued higher education. I am going to be the second one. I have seen how, through education, he has traveled the world and interacted with people from diverse backgrounds, and I would like that for myself, too.”
Miriam adds that with Moja Tu by her side, she has hope for a better future, and each passing month inches her closer to her dreams.